Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

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1 Subject

Discussion Board 1 - How Does Politics Affect You

Discussion Board 1 - How Does Politics Affect You

Q American politics and government affects all of us in a variety of different ways. From how much we pay in taxes to what holidays are considered "national holidays," we are all directly impacted by government. With this in mind, for this discussion board, you are to answer the following question for your initial discussion board post: In what ways does American government and its policies affect you? There is no "right or wrong" answer here; however, it is imperative that you substantiate your commentary. For this assignment, you are to make three posts. Your first, initial post is to be posted by 11:59 pm on Wednesday of this week, and is to be a minimum of 200 words. You are then to make, at minimum, two follow-up posts, responding to the initial posts of two other students of your choice. Each one of these follow-up posts are to be, at minimum, 75 words each, and are to be posted by 11:59 pm on Sunday of this week. A simple "I agree" post or "Good post" post is not sufficient. While it is completely acceptable to agree (or disagree) with another student, it is important to substantiate your position. Remember, you will never be "graded" on your opinions in this course. However, you will be assessed on your effort and if you meet the minimum requirements for these posts. Have fun with these posts! They are designed to simulate discussion as students would have in an actual, physical classroom environment. Please remember to use proper "netiquette" and be considerate and courteous to one another. Abusive language or insults will not be tolerated.

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My overall financial situation is affected by the policies made by the American government because there are taxation policies imposed on my salary. Therefore, I have to share a specific percentage of my salary every year with the American government. The existing issue of illegal immigration are important considerations for me because I want to protect myself and my family members. However, the U.S. Congress is trying its best to ensure that intelligence data collection is collected and shared with the intelligence community as quick and efficiently as possible. There have been changes made in the U.S. intelligence community by departmentalizing different agencies.